Here i go by my self moving to my marina in Belêm,all the jobs in the marina are done so i go back. NO MORE NOISE FROM THE BRIDGEEEEeeee....£§€@ My wife toke some pictures and by the time i get there she will be whaithing for me to help me out.
A very hot day with 3 knots of wind in Lisbon so you go no were,the feeling is like you going crazy.So i was talking to my wife about how the sailers felt in the old days about 3 centuries ago wen day try to cross the equator with no winds for days and days,and sayed that´s way the saw monsters marmaids etc... So i looked back and i had this view...
last weekend,we and the other boats moved to another marina because ours was going for repair,nice place but very noisy because of the bridge right above us and at night...night clubs five of them 50ft away from our boat playng VERY LOUD MUSIC only until 6AM. Of course we did not know and since it was a new marina we decided to "sleep"on our boat. Here a picture,when i saw all the lights knew i could NEVER sleep