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segunda-feira, 21 de março de 2011


Here are some more pictures of my boat with the knew antifouling,and... YESSSSS... it did pass the inspection,but i got one important notice,the hose from my gaz botle was to old.
And it pop to my mind once wen i was a boy in my grandmothers house,that has a great view to the bay in Sines and i remember to see a sailboat going out and after 10min i heard a explosion and the sail boat was on fire.
At the time they said it was the gaz botle.
So the inspector got my atention.

terça-feira, 1 de março de 2011

Boat out of the water

Well this is my first time the boat comes out of the water for inspection and botoom paint and it gets me very nervous to see it going in the air.Lots of times i have read it,how nervous people get wen they see their boat gething out from the water,now i know how it fells.
So my wife took some pictures of our boat.