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segunda-feira, 7 de novembro de 2011

New Blog

We are stating a new blog from the begining. plese folow us on www.marvelaesonhos.blogspot.com


sábado, 29 de outubro de 2011

Sail big waves

Do you remember last video?

Well guess what, i found out that´s the entrance for the Marina wen the the weather is not smiling,so i found out from the same marina a sail boat gething out.

If i was in that situation i think i will become religious very fast, and for a very but VERY long time no one would take me out to the sea.

So take a look .

quinta-feira, 27 de outubro de 2011

big waves sailing

Well....what can i say take a look and you tell me...

terça-feira, 25 de outubro de 2011

Living on boat

With the crisis we are going through in Portugal (and the rest of the world) often i think it would be a good experience living on a boat, first for the experience, second is less expencive and i do not have to pay for water and electricity, third it is VERY but VERY expencive to have a house facing the marina so why not just live in the marina in your sail boat :) .
In Portugal we don´t know many people living on board,but i know some people live on it.
I´m not shore if they fell shame but i never heard anybody talk about it, in U.S.A, France, Holland it´s normal but in Portugal it´s like a secret.
Every time i say i have a sail boat ( a old one 1982)they say i must be rich but i think in our days with this crisis, i must say you got to be rich to have a house so think about.
So i have found this site about living on aboard.
Take a look

sábado, 10 de setembro de 2011

Wen we have good friends sometimes they make us suprises i had one from my friend Lurdes.Take a look...

domingo, 26 de junho de 2011

Sailing Weekends

Good weekends i had this year already....

terça-feira, 24 de maio de 2011

To much wind

To much wind around 27knots and we decided to sail only with the main sail,and there she is my wife calling all kind of bad names...

Sailing back home

The wind start to pick up and reach 21 knots with gusts of 27knots by the end of the da,our friends loved it,my wife hates to much wind.

Sailing in Cascais

Wen we got to Cascais lot´s of sailing boats were there all ready and whaithing for the race.

Medcup 2011

It was about 11h a.m wen we left the marina and dicided to go to Cascais and see
the Medcup realy close and alive,not trow the T.V,so like me others had the same idea.

segunda-feira, 25 de abril de 2011


Here a picture of this beauty...

sailing Cascais

After 4 days of rain,finaly we got a nice sunny day,so we diceded to sail from Lisbon to cascais with some places with 3knots of wind others with 9knots and the closer we got to cascais more wind we had,up to 20knots. take a look at this video with this beautifull spanish sail ship.

segunda-feira, 21 de março de 2011


Here are some more pictures of my boat with the knew antifouling,and... YESSSSS... it did pass the inspection,but i got one important notice,the hose from my gaz botle was to old.
And it pop to my mind once wen i was a boy in my grandmothers house,that has a great view to the bay in Sines and i remember to see a sailboat going out and after 10min i heard a explosion and the sail boat was on fire.
At the time they said it was the gaz botle.
So the inspector got my atention.

terça-feira, 1 de março de 2011

Boat out of the water

Well this is my first time the boat comes out of the water for inspection and botoom paint and it gets me very nervous to see it going in the air.Lots of times i have read it,how nervous people get wen they see their boat gething out from the water,now i know how it fells.
So my wife took some pictures of our boat.

quarta-feira, 19 de janeiro de 2011

Barcelona World Race 2010

A couple more pictures of these great sail boats.
It´s amazing to see all that technology,wen i try to compare with my sail boat it´s like going back in time lol.
Sometimes i try to imagine what are they felling right know at these moment,is it coold,windy or big waves are they eating or sleep,are they happy or sad...etc

segunda-feira, 17 de janeiro de 2011

Barcelona World Race 2010

Barcelona World Race 2010

I got to admit they look great.

Barcelona World Race 2010

I was in Barcelona and as a sailer i could not whait to go to the marina to take a look.
Guess what... i was about to see the Barcelona world race and a chance to take all the pictures i whant,i could talk to the skipers and see the boats real close ,things that if it was in Portugal it will be almost impossible to get close to them.

sexta-feira, 14 de janeiro de 2011

Sail or not to sail...

The day i took this picture was a bad day to sail,big seas and the river was replete with everything you can think off and the color of the water was dark brown,
so i decided to climb the mast and do some clean up and next month it´s time for the police do the inspection to the boat in the water and out of the water that happens every 5 years in Portugal,and it´s going to my firs experience,am i nervous?.... i prefer not talking about because if doesen´t pass the inspection that means i can´t sail and means i got to spend more money to get what ever they think i should have or repair and finally pay another reinspection $$$$$$$$$$